New Printers @ Chesnutt Library
First, the actual printing process you go through at the computer remains the same. In the past, we've had a number of printers (libref-1, libref-2, etc.) where you could send your print jobs but that is no longer the case. The printer installed (FSUPRINT1 on hpps02a) is the default.
In order to release your print jobs you need to touch this screen located on top of the printer:
Next, touch "printing" and then enter the LAST SIX DIGITS OF YOUR BANNER NUMBER. Your print jobs should appear on the screen. Once there, you can select the ones you want to print, delete the ones you don't or "print all."
A few other things you should know about these new printers. Printing defaults to printing on both sides with collating and stapling. You can change the default by selecting "Properties," under "Finishing" and uncheck "Print on Both Sides." We recommend that you wait till your print job is done printing before taking it out of the printer otherwise a printer jam may occur. Students are allowed 375 pages per semester. If you go over you will receive an "insufficient funds" message and you will then have to contact ITTS at 672-2085 to resolve the issue.
Instructions on how to use the new printers are located by the printers:
And, of course, you're welcome to ask for assistance at the Reference Desk.